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5 Wedding Yoga Poses to Turn You into a Rockstar Bride

Here are five go-to wedding yoga poses that can calm mentally, strengthen physically, and even elevate emotionally.

Elise Joan
Elise Joan
wedding yoga

wedding yoga

Photo: Jamie Lebowitz

In the days leading up to your wedding, you might feel like most of your time is spent knee-deep in guest lists and seating charts—to the point that you’re more likely to yell out “I can’t!” than “I do.” When we think of preparing to be a bride, we might typically look to finding the ultimate diet plan or the ideal skincare regime. What if we shifted our perspective just a bit, to becoming the best and most beautiful version of ourselves internally as well as externally? If this sounds intriguing, wedding yoga might just be the perfect solution!

Here are five of my go-to wedding yoga poses that can calm and strengthen us, so we can march down aisle feeling like the badass bride we are.

Rockstar Wedding Yoga Pose

Photo: Jamie Lebowitz

Rockstar Pose

We ALL have an inner rockstar, and our wedding is the perfect time to let her shine! This pose is a fantastic heart opener, which keeps us physically flexible, and gives us an opportunity to connect to our deep capacity for love. Because this pose engages our full body, it goes by another name as well: Wild Thing Pose. This seems fitting so you’ll be ready to party on your wedding day!

Warrior 3 With Eagle Arms

Photo: Jamie Lebowitz

Warrior 3 with Eagle Arms

Marriage is all about stability, and this standing wedding yoga pose helps us find just that, by keeping us focused and steady. Warrior 3 is supported by a strong core, and compels us to practice balance, which is something all brides need leading up to the big day. The eagle arms block our external focus, and compel us to stop comparing ourselves to others, turning our attention inward instead. As a bonus, this pose defines the legs and builds that perfect booty! You’ll also gain strength and definition in your arms.

Half-Bound Side Angle

Photo: Jamie Lebowitz

Half-Bound Side Angle

This wedding yoga pose will tone and strengthen the entire body, while also offering us a strong foundation on which to build (sound a little like a new marriage?). It can also teach us an important lesson about a healthy bind, which always turns our heart upward (a great reminder that the “bind” of marriage should always do the same).

Boat Pose

Photo: Jamie Lebowitz

Boat Pose

An imperative part of showing up powerfully for marriage is being centered, and knowing ourselves well. Boat pose helps us connect strongly to our core, by grounding us with strength mentally as well as physically. This pose also requires a strong sense of commitment, which is perfect leading up to our vows. Sit up tall and balanced, and be sure you draw the navel to the spine, engaging the full potential of your abdominal strength (you can bend your knees if straight legs feel too intense). After just a few breaths, you’ll feel empowered to take on anything! This wedding yoga pose will also help flatten the belly for those form-fitting dresses.

Dancer Pose

Photo: Jamie Lebowitz

Dancer Pose

Planning the perfect wedding is all about expressing yourself! So let loose in this pose, which is designed to help you feel free! Dancer works the core, streamlines the hips, and allows us the freedom to truly be ourselves. This pose also curates grace and balance, which every bride wants to possess throughout the wedding planning process. Each of us has our own style, so try this joyfully expressive pose to channel your inner dancer...then take those moves to the dance floor at your reception!

These wedding yoga poses will help you get that dream bridal bod, but even more importantly, they will elevate your strength, courage, balance and grace. At the end of the (wedding) day, happiness and self confidence are the most radiant kind of beauty.